Posts tagged protest
Creating a Dialogue against Fascism: Lessons from the Protests against Charlie Kirk

On March 14, Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) visited UC Davis on behalf of the organization's branch on campus. I went to the event with some friends to watch the crowd protest and to be a part of something contentious at Davis. As we watched the crowd of protestors outside the U Center, an apolitical friend of mine commented, "This is scary." "What is?" I asked as we watched a group of police in riot gear rush toward the back of the U Center, where the protest had moved.

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Women’s Rights in Iran and the Role of Civil Disobedience

For decades, the governing system and regime in Iran have limited basic freedoms for women. In 1979, the Iranian Revolution installed a radicalized system of government, leaving the country with a militarized theocracy that controls and oppresses citizens. Due to the corrupt regime, Iranian women face harsh discrimination. Lack of freedom of expression, association, and assembly has left Iran’s citizens powerless. On Sept. 13th, 2022, a 22-year old woman, Mahsa Amini, was prosecuted for disobeying the headscarf regulation. Amini was brutally assaulted in jail, catalyzing thousands of Iranian’s to resist the regime through strikes and protests.

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