An Invitation to Meddle NationDan DaskalMarch 13, 20182016 Presidential Election, Mueller, President Trump, RussiaComment
Trump's 2019 Budget Proposal: The Line Between Optimism and Delusion Economy, NationJulia OffuttMarch 9, 20182019 Budget, economy, President TrumpComment
Trump's Budget: Throwing Coins Down a Well Economy, NationGrace WeilandMarch 1, 2018budget, economy, Government spending, Op-ed, President Trump, RepublicanComment
Climate Crisis: Global Leadership During the Trump Era NationMohammad QayumFebruary 23, 2018Climate Change, Paris Climate, President TrumpComment
From Benefits to Bankruptcy Economy, NationGrace WeilandFebruary 7, 2018economy, Finance, pension, tax, TaxesComment
#MeToo Step Two: A Perspective on Female Sexuality NationGrace WeilandFebruary 6, 2018#MeToo, Gender, Op-ed, SexualityComment
Women’s March 2018: “Revolution is Not a One-Time Event” NationAngela SuFebruary 2, 2018feminism, Intersectionality, protest, women, Women's marchComment
The Fight for DACA and the Power of Democrats NationAngela SuJanuary 30, 2018budget, CHIP, DACA, Government shutdownComment
The Art of the Deal: Twittering Oneself Out of Negotiations NationAngela SuJanuary 8, 2018Democrats, Republicans, TrumpComment
"It's Okay To Be White": The Rise of White Supremacist Activity on College Campuses NationAngela SuDecember 3, 2017College, UC Davis, University of California, White supremacy Comment
Not Taking a Stand: How Kaepernick Sparked A National Debate NationAngela SuNovember 23, 2017Football, Kaepernick, NFL, Police brutality, protestComment
The Twitter Presidency NationAngela SuNovember 23, 2017Donald Trump, mass media, media, President Trump, tweet, twitter Comment
The Dark History of Abuse in Hollywood Culture, NationAngela SuNovember 21, 2017Harvey Weinstein, HollywoodComment
The Precarious Fate of Trump’s Tax Plan Economy, NationAngela SuNovember 16, 2017President Trump, Republican, tax reformComment
Guilty Until Given Funding: The Cost of Underfunded Public Defense NationAngela SuNovember 14, 2017Courts, Criminal Justice SystemComment
Manafort Indictment Signals Progress In Mueller Investigation NationAngela SuNovember 10, 2017Paul Manafort, Russia, Trump CollusionComment
Trump's Disappointing Response to Puerto Rico Disaster NationAngela SuNovember 6, 2017Hurricane Maria, President Donald Trump, Puerto RicoComment
Students Experience Mixed Reactions Following Hillary Clinton’s UC Davis Speech Nation, TalkerAngela SuOctober 30, 2017Hillary ClintonComment
What Alabama's Senate Race Means for the Republican Party NationDPROctober 23, 2017GOP Anti-Establishment, Incumbent Losses, Roy MooreComment