Napolitano’s Hidden Reserve Means the U.C. Could Lose State Funding, and Its Independence StateDPRMay 25, 2017Governor Jerry Brown, Janet Napolitano, University of CaliforniaComment
A Case of Democratic Gerrymandering in LA County StateDPRMay 2, 2017Gerrymandering, Governor Jerry Brown, Los Angeles County, RedistrictingComment
Republican-led, Wall Street-Supported Bill Endangers California's Retirement Program StateDPRMarch 3, 2017Department of Labor, Governor Jerry Brown, Secure ChoiceComment
Higher Education For California Residents At Risk -- The Golden State, StateDPRApril 5, 2016Governor Jerry Brown, Janet Napolitano, nonresident admission rate, UC Audit, University of CaliforniaComment
A Conservative Attempt to Conserve StateDPRApril 7, 2015California, drought, Governor Jerry Brown, water conservationComment