The United States is disunited due to increasing partisan division on every topic from policies to ‘basic facts’. Among these ‘basic facts’ include how to respond to COVID-19 and the importance of combating climate change.
Read MoreFor far too long, this country has been categorically divided by countless elements, a polarization that has traumatized many Americans into choosing a blissful ignorance away from other communities’ issues.
Read MoreThe impeachment process for Presidents of the United States has become an ineffective and biased political endeavour that lacks meaning beyond which party controls the House of Representatives and/or the Senate.
Read MoreThe issue and morality of “anchor babies” is already surrounded by a lot of controversy—by cracking down on “birth tourism”, it seems this amendment will simply trigger more protests and backlash for the administration to deal with
Read MoreWhile the majority of Democratic presidential candidates are seeking an end to fossil fuels completely, New Mexico has been able to significantly enhance their economy and education from the oil industry.
Read MoreIt is this upcoming election that will define the identity of the United States, and whether or not it is capable of leading the free world.
Read MoreThe juxtaposition of President Trump with John Adams reveals the role character plays in how we perceive a president.
Read MoreAndrew Yang, 2020 Democratic candidate, speaks with the Davis Political Review about his ideas and why he should be president.
Read MoreDoes the Court’s recent ruling against a Muslim man in Alabama demonstrate religious bias?
Read MoreIf Harris were to become president, it would certainly mark a meaningful and historic moment for a country plagued by racism. But she still has much to explain to voters before that can happen.
Read MoreRoger Stone, a prominent Republican figure and self-described “dirty trickster”, is the latest person to be arrested in the special counsel investigation. Who’s next?
Read MoreAn upcoming Supreme Court case, involving the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, will present a rare opportunity to expand gun rights across the country.
Read MoreA wonderfully ambiguous phrase, “border security” invokes a litany of potential otherly dangers.
Read MoreAmazon will receive billions in tax incentives to built its new headquarters. Taxpayers may not see a positive return on investment.
Read More“I know a lot of people feel this is impossible,” Beto O’Rourke stated when discussing his political campaign for state Senator in Texas. And for the time being, he was right…
Read MoreAfter a tumultuous midterm season filled with heated rhetoric and deep divisions throughout, many are left wondering what will happen next…
Read MoreWhile Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing and ultimate confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States sparked a heated national conversation about sexual assault and violence against women, fears have now…
Read MoreOn November 6, Americans across the country will be marking their ballots. Up for the taking is a third of the U.S. Senate, every House seat, and a multitude of state and local positions and propositions…
Read MoreBelgian artist Rene Magritte is well-known for using his skills to explore philosophical concepts. In his surrealist painting “The Treachery of Images,” he depicts a realistically shadowed and sculpted pipe, under which the caption “this is not a pipe” appears…
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